Board of Directors
 David Anderson
 James Sinclair
 Daniel de Narvaez
 Jack Jowers
 W. Keith Webb



Select Your Membership Level

General Membership

Any firm, corporation, partnership, institution or individual, whether organized for profit or not-for-profit, engaged in responsible exploration within the marine environment is eligible to apply to become a General Member of the Professional Marine Explorers Society under the terms and conditions set forth by the Society. General Members in good standing are voting Members of the Society. As voting members, they are eligible for leadership positions within the Society and may enjoy other privileges and rights as determined by the Professional Marine Explorers Society constitution and / or the Board of Directors. General Membership also includes company or association promotion on our website and other ProMES publications and events. Annual cost of General Membership is $1500.

Associate Membership

Any firm, corporation, partnership, institution or individual whether organized for profit or not-for-profit, whose business activities are ancillary to or supportive of the Society's overall purpose and its General Members is eligible to apply for Associate Member status under the terms and conditions set forth by the Society. Associate Members in good standing shall be eligible to attend all regular meetings, exhibits or trade shows of the Society, to receive publications and releases of the Society, and to enjoy such other privileges and benefits of the Society as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors. Associate Members may not hold office or vote at meetings of the Society. Annual cost of membership is $250.

Supporter Membership

The Professional Marine Explorers Society's Supporter membership program was developed in direct response to numerous requests from members of the Diving community, Educators and the General public for the opportunity to get further involved in supporting the Society’s mission of responsible marine exploration and discovery. Supporter members of the Society derive many benefits including discounts on dive adventure travel and equipment from participating Society sponsors and industry partners. Supporter members are also eligible to participate in various Society programs and activities including specialized continuing education programs. Supporter memberships are available direct from the Society at a cost of $25 per year.

Donation Only

If you would like to simply make a donation, we would greately appreciate it.

Amount of donation:

Book Purchase

Amount of book:

Donation to Peter E. Hess Memorial Fund

Amount of donation:


  • The Professional Marine Explorers Society is a not-for-profit industry advocacy association. In accordance with our Constitution and By-Laws, applications for General and Associate membership are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors before membership can be granted. If membership is not granted all member dues will be returned to the applicant.

  • "Responsible marine explorers," "Responsible exploration"

  • Includes those companies, associations, institutions and persons involved in the study, exploration, discovery, recovery, and / or conservation of natural resources, shipwrecks, private property and / or cultural heritage within the marine environment while conforming to the highest ethical and operational standards set by the Professional Marine Explorers Society and respecting the environmental impact of operations, cultural issues, rights, and customs of communities in which Society Members operate.

  • "Members in good standing"

  • Members of the Society "in good standing" are those Members who support the highest standards of responsible exploration, are current in any Society dues or fees and who pledge and conduct their activities in compliance with Professional Marine Explorers Society’s purpose and published Operational Standards and Code(s) of Ethics.

    If you would prefer to mail in your membership information please use this form.


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    Professional Marine Explorers Society, Inc.

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